
Leadership and its core element, the leader, is the most necessary component of group dynamics and the least understood. People want a good leader and, in some cases, want to be the leader but rarely know anything about it.


In the Beginning...
The beginning always has to start by establishing a definition to reduce the prejudice of preconception on the part of the reader. In this case, I just want to simplify the idea of a leader and then expand it from there in future postings. So here it goes:  A leader is the person in a group with the directions to a destination. He knows how... [Read More]

Are You a Leader?

You may have a clear destination and road map to get there but that doesn't make you a leader. You may be assigned to a leadership position within your group or organization but that doesn't make you a leader. So what does? What qualities can you... [Read More]

Destination and Distraction

In the realities of life there are many, varied circumstances that distract us and cloud our ability to see beyond the task at hand. These distracting circumstances keep us from taking the proper steps to deal effectively and efficiently with those very circumstances. It can become a vicious cycle. The only way out of this vicious cycle's ever tightening spiral is knowing where you're headed and knowing... [Read More]

Here is a skill set that every leader needs to develop in order to be effective, Situational Awareness. 
This includes paying attention to what’s happening around you while taking notice of what’s new and different as well as what hasn’t changed...[Read More]

Many years ago I took a course in Situational Leadership. It was very helpful in adjusting my view of my workforce. More a broadening really than an adjusting. It proved to be a good management tool for determining the needs of my human resources....determining what your resources are and how best to use them to achieve that goal...[Read More]
Pay Attention! Part II, Listen Up!
You must learn how to listen, it’s part of paying attention.  Listening isn’t really all that complicated but to do it effectively you need to bare in mind two basic principles. First and foremost, you must never be a respecter of persons...[Read More]
Low Hanging Fruit 
I grew up around orchards. In fact, one town I lived in was known as the “Fruit Basket of America” and was surrounded by miles and miles of fruit trees. It wasn’t until much later in life that I went apple picking. We were living in Calcium, New York and my wife announced we were going to Mexico to pick apples...[Read More]

Pay Attention! Part III, Tune In 
This part 3 of the Pay Attention series is the final piece. Originally, the whole Pay Attention post about maintaining situational awareness was one post but my editors (i.e. my kids) felt it was too long and so it was divided into two parts. The second part grew and became two parts, then the third...[Read More]

People always say “Lead by example” but what they don’t seem to understand is you are always leading by example. If you set a bad example for your team, they will follow that bad example. What you do will always set an example: good or bad...[Read More]

In my military daze (no, I’m not going to bore you with old timey reminiscence) I used an analogy to explain authority to my troops. I used a hammer as the tool in their leadership arsenal...[Read More]

Lead By Example Part II, Ethics
When I speak of ethics, I’m speaking of a right or wrong above the normal moral and legal definitions. Though ethical includes moral and legal the same as unethical includes immoral and illegal, it’s really a fine tuning of behavior that sees a right or wrong action even if it may be moral and legal...[Read More]

As we continue down the road of setting a good example, I want to take a brief look into authority. In the post Is It Hammer Time? I used an analogy to explain my view on the use/exercise of authority. This time I’ll attempt to explain my beliefs on how to work within the authority structure appropriately...[Read More]

Lead By Example Part IV, Responsibility
We all should strive to be responsible in our conduct, behavior, and work. It’s not about taking blame for something gone awry, it’s about functioning in a way that tells others we’re professional adults. The sort of person that can be relied on to get the job done and done right. Setting this example for others...[Read More]

The Boss
I have been reading way too much on LinkedIn. I’ve been focused on the posts that hail their subject as “leadership.” Most of it is banal and inane. They toss around meaningless phrases like “servant leadership,” “empowerment,” and “emotional intelligence.” Leadership isn’t some esoteric, nebulous, or complicated idea, it’s a practical day-to-day function...[Read More]

Lead By Example Part V, Communication
I firmly believe that the most important leadership tool, beyond knowing your destination and road map, is to set the example. This means complete and total emersion into the lifestyle you want your team members to live....[Read More]

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